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contact:institute [2023/09/04 15:08]
freichr [IVT - Institute of Transport Planning and Systems]
contact:institute [2024/06/26 17:05] (current)
freichr [IKG - Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation]
Line 92: Line 92:
 **Felix Wietlisbach**\\ **Felix Wietlisbach**\\
 [[https://​www.bi.id.ethz.ch/​personensuche/​detail.do?​pid=1730e|Address details on people.ethz.ch]]\\ [[https://​www.bi.id.ethz.ch/​personensuche/​detail.do?​pid=1730e|Address details on people.ethz.ch]]\\
 +{{:​contact:​man.png?​nolink&​50 |}}
 +**Andrey Molinari**\\
 +[[https://​www.bi.id.ethz.ch/​personensuche/​detail.do?​pid=3ee8a|Address details on people.ethz.ch]]\\
 \\ \\
Line 124: Line 130:
 Website: [[https://​unlimited.ethz.ch/​x/​pifcBg|IT Services for Institutes]] Website: [[https://​unlimited.ethz.ch/​x/​pifcBg|IT Services for Institutes]]
-==== People ==== 
-{{:​contact:​woman.png?​nolink&​50 |}} 
-**Claudia Matthys**\\ 
-[[https://​www.bi.id.ethz.ch/​personensuche/​detail.do?​pid=1D1A6|Address details on people.ethz.ch]]\\ 
 ---- ----
 ===== IRL - Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development ===== ===== IRL - Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development =====
Line 183: Line 180:
 Main E-Mail Contact: [[moser@vaw.baug.ethz.ch]]\\ Main E-Mail Contact: [[moser@vaw.baug.ethz.ch]]\\
 Help Phone Line: +41 44 63**2 55 80**  \\ Help Phone Line: +41 44 63**2 55 80**  \\
-Help Point (Office): [[https://www.bi.id.ethz.ch/personensuche/raumInfo.view?pid=2c7a2|HIA C 19]]\\+Help Point (Office): ​ 
 +[[https://​www.rauminfo.ethz.ch/Rauminfo/grundrissplan.gif?lang=en&​gebaeude=HIA&​geschoss=C&​raumNr=19|C 19]]\\
 Website: [[https://​vaw.ethz.ch/​]] Website: [[https://​vaw.ethz.ch/​]]